Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Programs and Times

Thanks for coming out. Classes are no longer available at this location. See newer posts for details of current classes.

Family Music Time
Tuesday 9:30-10:15 S.P.A.C.E.
Wednesday 10:00-10:45 Bizzy Bee Play Centre
birth -5 years

adults and children, participating at their own level, experience the joy of music together as they sing, move and play

Music Readiness
Tuesday 10:30-11:15 and1:00-1:45 S.P.A.C.E.
3-5 years

children grow in confidence as they sing, learn beat, rhythm, movement, musical contrasts and playing rhythm
instruments independent of adults

Location and Fees

Classes held at the S.P.A.C.E. studio, 1324 Danforth Ave. (East of Greenwood Subway) on Tuesdays
and Bizzy Bee Play Centre, 1971 Queen St. E., the Beach Mall on Wednesdays

Introductory rate: $169/13 week session
For Family Music Time only:
no charge under 10 months old if sibling
already enrolled in same class
Discount for 2nd sibling


Space can be reserved with a $40 deposit or full payment of $169. Full registration is due 1st day of class. There will be no refunds granted after 2nd class without discussion with the teacher. Refunds will be pro-rated and less a $20 administration fee.

Registration is ongoing and fees will be pro-rated for late joiners.

Class size will be between 6-12 children. Adults must stay in the classroom to participate and be responsible for children when enrolled in the Family Music Time.
Children in the Music Readiness program are encouraged to attend class without an adult to promote independence and confidence in music making. Parents/guardians are welcomed to stay in the waiting area.

Inside stroller parking is minimal. If you have a bike lock, you may use it outside the studio, or please fold your stroller in the waiting room, should space permit.

Classes cancelled by the teacher will be refunded or rescheduled. Every effort will be made to inform you prior to a cancelled class in a timely manner. Contact will primarily be through email and sometimes telephone. If you are unsure of cancellation due to weather, check your email,
the internet - www.intimemusic.blogspot.com or call Amanda at 416-894-7563 at least 1 hour prior to class time.

Payment may be made by cheque or cash to Amanda Pedro and can be mailed to
351 Highfield Rd. Toronto, ON M4L 2V4, prior to the first class. DO NOT send cash in the mail.
There will be a $25 fee for returned cheques.

Come and have some fun making music. Singing in time, moving in time and playing in time.

Registration Form

FALL 2008 Registration
(form available in pdf/jpg format if you email your request)

Student Name:________________________________________ Date of Birth:______________

Student Name:________________________________________ Date of Birth:______________

Parent/Guardian Name(s)______________________________________________________

Phone Numbers: Day____________________________ Evening________________________

Mailing Address:_________________________________________________________________

Email Address____________________________________________________________________

Any medical conditions of note:__________________________________________________

Please choose class for enrollment:
Family Music Tuesday: 9:30-10:15 ______
Music Readiness Tuesday: 10:30-11:15_____
Music Readiness Tuesday: 1:00-1:45_____

I understand that participation and consistency is very important to the success of the learning process and enjoyment of the child and the adult. As a participant, I agree to respect start times, to stay the whole class time and to be responsible for my child inside the studio and in the waiting room. If my child appears to be ill, I will not attend class. I will not wear street shoes in the studio. Barefeet, socks, slippers or dance shoes are permitted.
I have read, understand and agree with the policies listed on Policies page.

I assume all risks and responsibilities and release the S.P.A.C.E and teachers from any and all liability.

Signature ________________________________________________Date___________________

Office Use:

Class enrolled:
Amount ($169):
15% sibling discount:
Total amount:

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

In Time Music

Thanks for stopping by. We are in the process of updating this blog with information on class times, location and policies.

We will be using this blog format until the website is up and running.

Thanks for your interest in In Time Music.

Amanda Pedro